I've been using OneNote for a while now and i have to say it's one of my favourite apps. Sure there are some issues and one of the things that really bothered me was the fact that i couldn't share my notebooks very well. I use five pc's in daily. Huh 5 pc's you say? Yes five pc's. Let me explain.
I use two laptops for work. One laptop for production work and one for testing the various environments e.g. office 2007, office 2010 etc. I also use two netbooks. One solely for internet actions like reading and actively participating in newsgroups, reading articles and staying up to date surfing for new technologies. I also have another netbook for various options e.g. testing, internet and for sharing with my family. Finally we (family) use as regular desktop pc for internet and gaming. Kids also like to play as one can imagine.
So what I would like to achieve is a central point of storage where i can store my OneNote blocks and being able to reach them everywhere at anytime i like. Sure putting the stuff on a stick would be the simplest solution but the again how many sticks do you use? Right i have to may of those laying around to call myself organized in that way ;-)
Networkdrive? Tried it but i have to be honest i'm looking for the option to just turn on the pc and click my onenote and then without having the hassle of making connections to the various options before reaching by blocks being able to go to work and make my notes.
I've read great blogs, articles, tweets about various topics that i would love to clip them to my onenote block. And in office 2010 it seems it can be done via skydrive? Yes skydrive i've been dreaming about this since skydrive is around. Wouldn't that be the most perfect place there is to store my onenote blocks. Now everytime i turn on one of my laptops or netbooks i would be able to sync my onenote blocks via skydrive just by logging in to skydrive.
hey thanks i didn't knew that yet